Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm resurrecting this blog.

Because I want to.

I need to update and work on the layout so it is more appealing...So there will be some changes.

Couple of updates :

> I've started numerous projects since my last update including an album with my band, a webcomic, and I tried my hand at YouTube vids...I'd like to do more, but I just don't have the time.

> I got married.  I am a husband.  Yay. (P.S. she is awesome and no you can't have her)

> Regarding the book itself, I finished the entire rough draft somewhere in August.  I had to go back and re-write chapters 15-18 to make them...not suck.  Chapters 1-7 are in a pretty good place, as in I've edited to the best of my ability as much as I could (for now.)  Chapters 8-14 are in their second phase of editing, which is to say I've edited them once and now am trying to fix mote things.  Chapters 15-18 are in their first draft and need major fleshing.  In all, I still have a ton of work to do...and I don't know how long it will take considering how little free time I have to dedicate to it.

I also can't find anyone who would edit for me.  So, there's that.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I know this is my writing blog and I plan to update soon on progress and whatnot but I just had to rant for a minute.

I am so sick of manipulating shits and their fucking stupid drama causing strife in my vicinity.

Let's set the stage here.  We have Mr. Blue and Mr. Red.  These names do not associate with Reservoir Dogs in anyway, I simply needed an identifying factor.

Mr. Blue is an overly nice person.  Gifted with an extreme patience and a lack of confrontational abilities to really take a stand for himself.

Mr. Red is nice most of the time but can have a real asshole streak.  Gifted with a great intelligence but is very confrontational and, at times, extremely spoiled.

They are brothers.

Mr. Red makes fast decisions and most at a very high speed in everything he does, and when he falters Mr. Blue is there to help sort things out.

When Mr. Red is occupied with his business, he makes no time for Mr. Blue and, on the off chance that plans are made, Mr. Red is likely to flake out or change said plans.

When Mr. Red has nowhere to turn, Mr Blue is always there.

Mr. Blue only wants to spend time and enjoy Mr. Red's company, but Mr. Red doesn't have this in his priority list.

Here is an example:

Mr. Red asks for another favor from Mr. Blue.  Mr. Blue, already having done a few favors over the past week AND doing another in allowing a late-night visit, tells Mr. Red to be somewhere before a certain time.  Mr. Red agrees to this and plans are made.

An hour later, Mr. Red tells Mr. Blue that he will be late.  Mr Blue, in return and in a slight effort to put his foot down, tells Mr. Red "No, it's too late, you can come another time."  Mr. Red then throws a mini-hissy fit and insults Mr. Blue.

Mr. Blue, being the non-confrontational type, bends to Mr. Red's will again and allows Mr. Red to do what he wants.


This type of stuff has been going on for years within my viewing.

The stories are too numerous to recall.

It's fucking annoying.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011


  I totally just finished Chapter 3.

  I'm on a roll.

  That is all folks.

Friday, July 8, 2011

I feel like i accomplished something.

  I typed up chapters 1 and 2, editing along the way.  I feel more involved and satisfied with what is emerging out of this.  Its very satisfactory in a different way from painting or drawing.  Its like being creative without a mess. :D  Besides, what the hell else am I going to do all day waiting for the next job to start?

  I sent off the first two chapters to my sister so she can edit and write notes because she is much smarter than me and in the throes of mommyhood, so maybe my writing stuff can give her something else to do while shes with ze baby.

  Not much else to add to this update.  The band is slowly being put back together and slowly starting to re-emerge, so that is always good.

  Ciao for now mi amigo.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm trying to write, damnit.

  I find myself writing nearly every day, but only short bits at a time.  It seems I linger on small bits for undetermined amounts of time before deciding on which path to take.  I've never written something of this magnitude before, so I have no idea if this is normal behavior.  Considering I receive little to no feedback,  I doubt nearly every decision I make.  Also, it is very tough to make effective foreshadowing without the use of a "prophecy" of sorts.  Without any sort of pre-known existence or idea for the character to pull from makes it difficult to write in the first person while hinting at things to come.  I've resorted to using dreams imposed by the main character's object of infatuation as a way of hinting at the future.

  On a related note, I get caught up daydreaming about the climax instead of continuing from where I am to reach said climax.  I can see how I want it to play out in my head, but I am afraid to write it because I don't want to mess up details that aren't in place yet.  I guess jotting it down wouldn't be such a bad idea, but then with the way my organizational skills are, it would bug me to no end it just sitting there with no connection.

  I 'finished' the Moacti drawing, but I am not happy with it.  I am satisfied with the core drawing and character design, but unhappy with my use of oil pastels.  I feel my addition of the background ruined it.  As such I won't post it yet,  I am still wrestling with the idea of doing something else to it to maybe make up for it.  I also have a better render of the Harglarian and Bulaft races.  Last to be done will be the Human race, though I am unsure how I would like to treat them yet.

  I'm also doodling what could be cover art.  Everything is so up in the air, its insanity.

  I need to customize this blog more,  but that is still a task for a different day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I wrote TWO WHOLE SENTENCES this weekend.

  The title says it all.  I wrote two....count 'em......TWO sentences during this weekend.  Does this make me suck?  Probably, but lets pretend it does not.  YAY IMAGINATIONS!

  So, Saturday consisted of a New Orleans trip, a return home, and a wonderful amount of drinking in the evening.  I am currently out of beer. Boo to that.  Sunday was an extreme sleep-in day.  Followed by an afternoon breakfast and an intense night-time session of TF2 along with the watching of Freaky Eaters.

  As you can see, I did not have much time to work on my book.  Apparently though, I had enough time to write TWO sentences.  Yes, I will continue to capitalize TWO until it doesn't annoy me anymore.

  Time to mix things up......



    Witness the riveting writing that is my two sentences:

"To me this is an omen, either magic has a thought process, which is highly doubtful or, more likely, each person reacts differently to it; this situation warrants more study.  Perhaps Shaw has a different take on the matter."

  Compelling shit, no?  I gets all my ideas from my big 'ol head.

  Well, whatever, its not a key moment in the book nor is it the best thing ever.  Though I'm having a hard(er) time then i thought i would writing from point A to point B, so to speak.  Part of me knows I should get the basic premise down, then add the detail.....but part of me wants to add detail as I go.  I'm doing both which is odd to me, usually I find a method and stick with it.

  On one hand I want to fill in the detail NOW and have instant gratification when I'm reading it back to myself.....but I know if I fill the detail in now,  I'll be harsher on myself later during editing.
  On the other hand,  I want to get the basic premise down to then continue on to editing and adding detail and such........but I know if I start shooting for basic, I will end up writing an outline, which would probably help me in planning but not in actually writing.

  BAH!  Right now, I just want to finish Chapter two and move on to the next, though I don't think the shit will hit the fan until around Chapter 7-9.  In that case, I believe the first six chapters will be the toughest.

  Until next time.